I am looking to compile a full list of those lost when St David was sunk off Anzio on 24/01/1944. I have seen various figures for numbers lost in...
Hi Can anyone advise as to where the 5th Grenadier Guards sailed from to land at Anzio? Tunisia, Sicily, southern Italy? Thanks
Hello! Passionate about the Battle of Montecassino, I’m creating a website dedicated to this significant event. I’m currently collecting stories,...
Hi I am researching the men on our village War Memorial and one is Sgt Leonard Lawford (843302). He was killed on either 30 Jan 1944 (CWGC) or 31...
I just wanted to let you all know that there will be three re-dedications as follows at Anzo and Bolsena: Cpl. J.A.Owens 2/7 Middlesex Regiment...
Hello all, I am trying to find out what battalion my grandfather was attached to, I believe he joined the Royal Scots Fusiliers in 1941. His...
L/Cpl. Roy Holtby, 5th Bn Green Howards, 50 Division Service No.: 4391447 Award: Military Medal Following his capture at GAZALA on 1st June 1942...
[ATTACH] Captain Jenkin Robert Oswald Thompson, Royal Army Medical Corps Service No: 115213 Award: The George Cross In recognition of...
Sjt. Ernest Sowter 2nd Bn Sherwood Foresters, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 6 Corps Service No: 4974467 Award: Military Medal On 4th February 1944...
Hi All, I have been passed a PDF copy of "A Fusilier remembers Italy", written by Gilbert Allnutt who served with X Coy, 8th Royal...
My relative was a POW at Moosburg after being taken prisoner at Anzio. He was in the camp when it was liberated by the Americans in late April...
Any information please on Private 4986831 Charles Cyril Hubbard 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters killed in action on Friday 3rd March 1944 aged...
I'm looking for this unit, especially a war diary reference: I'm researching Sgt. Norman Squire (1909 - 1979) - - among Norman's papers were...
My uncle Kenneth Derham died at Anzio he had fought in Africa with 1st army as he as The first Army bar with the Africa star and fought in Italy...
Army Number: f30082 Rank: Serjeant Name: Stewart William BURBRIDGE Unit: 1st Special Service Force
This coming December, I have an opportunity to spend one day south of Rome. I’m contemplating a day trip to Anzio as my grandfather landed there...
Hi everyone, If I put my wife's dads service record up, would you be able to point out a few things for me please? I cannot make out if he was...
Army Number: 2620919 Rank: Guardsman Name: Edward Thomas HUDSON Unit: 5 Grenadier Guards
Army Number: 2622330 Rank: Guardsman Name: Henry BOULTON Unit: Grenadier Guards
Personal Number: 77591 Rank: Major Name: Alexander John CLARK KENNEDY, MC, MiD* Unit: 12 Royal Lancers London Gazette : 26 August 1938...
Separate names with a comma.