2721600 Serjeant John ROBERTS, 1 Irish Guards: POW, E&E

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Date of Enlistment: 1940
    Army Number: 2721600
    Rank: Serjeant
    Name: John ROBERTS
    Unit: 1 Irish Guards

    Date of Birth:
    Place of Birth:

    Date of Capture:
    Place of Capture: Medjez El Bab, Tunisia

    POW Number:
    POW Camps: Campo PG 53

    Date of Escape: 15 September 1943
    Place of Escape: Macerata

    irish guards, prisoners of war, irish guards - prisoners of war, wo 416, wo 208, campo pg 53, macerata, italy, 1943
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    2721600 Lance-Sergeant J. ROBERTS,
    No. 1 A.S.C.
    Matlock Bath,

    11 January 1944

    The Under Secretary of State
    The War Office,

    Dear Sir,

    Ref: MNA/54 (Casualties L.)

    Re the enquiry on 2721128 Lance-Corporal DUCKWORTH.

    I was taken prisoner on 24/3/43, four days before DUCKWORTH was declared missing, and can therefore supply on negative and hearsay information.

    The custom in the IRISH GUARDS was publish details to the battalion of any incidents which occurred on patrols. Therefore the survivors of an action made by No. 2 Company IRISH GUARDS who joined me in a P.O.W. Transit Camp in TUNIS, on about 30/3/43 were able to tell me that DUCKWORTH had failed to return off patrol and was believed to have been killed.

    I was in this Transit Camp until about 6/4/43 and during that time DUCKWORTH was not brought in as a prisoner of war. Later during my captivity I met more IRISH GUARDS who had been wounded and were P.O.Ws. in action. None of them knew anything about DUCKWORTH beyond the account published to the battalion.

    I have never since met anyone who had either seen or heard anything of the missing man. This is all I know on the subject.

    Yours faithfully
    J. ROBERTS, L/Sgt.

    Original filed MNA/OR/119333 L/Cpl DUCKWORTH.
    4jonboy likes this.
  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    See also:
    Reference: WO 208/3344/116
    Name: T Mackie.
    Rank: Sergeant, 7518944, 149 Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.
    Captured: Fuka, 29 June 1942.
    Escaped or Liberated: PG 53 Macerata, 15 September 1943.
    Decoration recommendation: Mention [in Despatches].

    Other names mentioned: ​
    • Sergeant J Saunders New Zealand Infantry,
    • Private J Thompson Royal Army Medical Corps,
    • Captain Hannah Royal Army Medical Corps,
    • Flight Sergeant J R Stein Royal Air Force,
    • S/Sergeant E Rimmel Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers,
    • Sergeant J McSherry 72nd Field Regiment Royal Artillery,
    • Lance Sergeant J Leaney Royal Artillery,
    • Private Washburn Royal Army Ordnance Corps,
    • Driver Kelly Royal Army Service Corps,
    • Lance Corporal Evans Royal Army Service Corps,
    • Private J Timson Commandos,
    • Sergeant J Roberts Irish Guards.
    Date: 1944 Jan 26​

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