Is closer tonight than it's been for yonks. Just got my 15x40 binos out, can sea great view of the moons. Can't find my tripod, so I've held the binos on a garden fork for support. It's fascinating to observe the moons each night and see how they have rotated in orbit. Can't miss it, to the left of the moon right now.
says here you can see the red spot. I couldn't. you can see the planet’s red spot as well as its four moons. Grab a pair of binoculars and check out Jupiter's four moons | binoculars, pair, grab - Local News - The Star Online : The Newspaper of Cleveland County
says here you can see the red spot. I couldn't. Same here. See four moons with x15 binos and dodgy eyes (two on the right and two much closer on the left), but no spot. I think you need a serious telescope for the spot. Mrs S. says she can see moons with the naked eye, but she has alway had eyes like a hawk.
Mrs D had not long gone to bed when I read this thread. I got her out of bed, she was stood in PJs in garden looking at Jupiter. Gone back to bed now though.
Cheers for the heads-up Geoff. Best I could manage without digging out the uber-tripod. Forgotten what a frustrating business it can be. Might have to have another go tomorrow.
Thin cloud cover over us at the moment. Can still see it through my 10x50's, but with no tripod and all the light pollution it's just a bright "squiggely" dot in the sky. Shall try again tomorrow.
Geoff, Think I would recognise you if I bumped into you in the Supermarket! 'and dodgy eyes (two on the right and two much closer on the left)' Mike
I find stuff like this fascinating. A week gone Sat (11th Sep) me an my mates saw a very bright star, much brighter than the north star. Almost looked like someone had turned a torch on. One of my mates reckoned it was Jupiter but haven't been able to see it since.
Best I could manage without digging out the uber-tripod... Might have to have another go tomorrow. Great stuff, see if you can repeat this shot tomorrow.
Geoff, Think I would recognise you if I bumped into you in the Supermarket! 'and dodgy eyes (two on the right and two much closer on the left)' Mike
Had a look already with my old Optolyth scope with 30x eye piece. Did try to take pictures through it with digi-camera but didn't work. Showed the kids , they were impressed . Also showed them our moon through the scope which mad ethem all go "WOW!". Thanks again Geoff for heads up on it.
Cloudy this evening, else you could wowed them again as the moons would have moved somewhat from vP photo.
That was this evening. They gone to bed now. Jupiter had 1 moon to left. 2 moons to right. Sky really clear here.