The top of the Blue mountain, between Lehigh and Carbon counties Pennsylvania, I took all the photos except this one
Two more, and that’s it. The farm in the distance in Carbon County, PA. And one of me in the Canadian wilderness, 1970, northern Quebec. I think the Lake was named Oliva. I still had my U.S. Navy foul weather jacket. Beautiful country, good fishing.
On Thursday I went to photograph the nearest rapids of the River Vantaa, Ruutinkoski. The meltwater has caused the rivers to flood, and when the waters in the Vantaa had receded a bit from their peak, I thought I would try my luck and see if I could get close enough to the rapids to get good photos. Well, the water was still too high to get to any of the good shooting spots. I only had short-legged rubber boots on. I should have had wading boots and a pole, so I might have gotten right up to the rapids at one point, but since I didn't, I didn't. The banks in the middle of the rapids are protected and there's a rather old fence there, so you can't get right up to the bank at that point, even if you could get to a good shooting spot there. It looked so fragile that I didn't try to climb over, it might have broken. So not optimal photos but one can see that almost all snow has gone.
This is actually a small creek on state game lands called Dennis Creek. Deer, pheasants, rabbits live here. And of course, squirrels. It gets wider a ways down the road as it cuts through farm land.
Aaah, must be the silhouette breed; always last in fieldcraft (and as a result first in mint sauce). Kind regards, slot the one at the back first, always, Jim.
Lovely and sunny today here in North Yorkshire . A walk along the River Swale; you can just see Richmond Castle from the bridge.