I have just visited the Luftwaffe museum again as yesterday my camera battery gave out before I found the new exhibits in hanger 7. Literally 10 minutes ago the light rain turned to a very heavy snow fall and is falling thick and fast at the moment. So much for thinking that winter was behind us! Regards Tom
I'm two weeks late getting the veggie patch rotavated for this year's spuds....I got permafrost!!! Half an inch down and the soil is frozen hard, even at the warmest bit of the day, and broad sunlight or the last week and a half.
I had a nice glorious sunshine day, started by a fine walk by the riverside. Nothern European tourists were in short sleeves, but that was a bit too mucu for me. Tomorrow if this holds I'm dusting the Ray Bans off
Lovely sunshine day in London. So methinks I'll go and fix the fence this afternoon. Out come, one cut hand, one hammered thum and numerious splinters and fence still not fixed. Bugger!!! Rob
I,ve had enough of this "early" spring. I think i,ll continue my hibernation for the time being. Se you in about 3-4 weeks ?
I,ve had enough of this "early" spring. I think i,ll continue my hibernation for the time being. Se you in about 3-4 weeks ? Bernard, That sounds like an excellent idea. Keep warm. Regards Tom
Apologies for stating Spring may have Sprung I unlike Mother Nature was slightly premature. Looks like the temp will dip in GB late next week with possible snow. Mind you I did manage to cut the grass.
My magnificent 30' high Magnolia tree has been blooming majestically for the past ten days and sadly it is now shedding it's blooms and so the leaves will appear as a sure sign of spring...... Cheers
Saw a Swallow a few days ago! Yeppers; Suitably stunned! I logged the exact details on BirdTrack (BTO/RSPB/BWI). Can't say as I remember jack now ~ which is why I so value BirdTrack! Come home. Tap it in. Relax, in the warm knowledge that my record's being instantly made available to all with an interest ~ for ever! Coming down the track, past midnight, tonight. Snipe did a vertical take off from beside the track. That bugger's logged too. As are the returning Siskin's on my feeders. Great to look back and compare the times I've reported what birds as being around here. Bit like Ron's Diary's ~ But without the explosions
Yes Guy's Spring is here! Her indoors opened the wardrobe and statred mentioning now it is warmer I have not a lot to wear! Result Dog & I went for 8 mile stroll in the warming sun most enjoyable, and just for Steve G the avian line up was Red Kites, Curlews, Green Woodpecker, Nuthatch, and Lapwings plus the normal garden bird selection and one badger laying on a lage piece of concrete getting warmed up.
Rain. What rain. A few drops this morning, then nothing. The resident cuckoo arrived about 2 weeks ago. You can hear it every evening in the wood at the back of the garden.