I have my doubts on the Alphabetic listings because they claimed originally they were to be listed numerically .The names SMITH and THOMPSON will appear in their search box now,however the NA state the current records catalogued stand at;- Pieces 1-51 (Erling Aaby-Cyril Burrows) and 407-414 (various sub-series). All fully catalogued by name. Pieces 52-110 (Dennis Burrows-Albert Elliot). All fully catalogued by name. Pieces 111-171 (Alexander Elliot-Alec Heggie) by end of February 2019. Pieces 172-220 (Andrew J Heggie-Reginald V Leggett) by end of July 2019. Pieces 221-271 (Samuel Leggett-Edward C Nicholson) by end of December 2019. Pieces 272-320 (F W Nicholson-G Scarcliffe) by end of July 2020. Pieces 321-406 (Trevor Scard-Piotz Zyzmiewski) by end of December 2020. If this were correct A-Z why do SMITH and THOMPSON (a whole year away on the listl) appear now?? Kyle
There are a couple of reasons for there being some cards outside the alphabetical range. This from TNA explains: "Cards are arranged in boxes by surnames according to alphabetical groupings, though some cards are mis-filed (e.g. cards for an individual named James Thomas may have been filed as Thomas James). Also, some can be found in pieces with descriptions outside their surname range. Also, occasionally, cards for the same individual can be found in multiple pieces." For example the name Turtle was mentioned earlier. This card is stored in a box with names filed under the letter "D". Also the alphabetical series extends to piece 406, then there are some smaller mixed pieces after that. It looks like WO 416/407 and 408 have already been opened in this later batch of mixed names. Lee
I received two cards for my great uncle Stanley I was expecting photographs to be with these but non was with them. Would he have had a photo taken ? If so what would ave happened to these pictures
I had a request to copy two of these files and when I requested them was tole they were available in the Invigilation Room - never having been there before what are the rules and processes? I assume there is no copying and they are under invigilation for data protection reasons.
Gary, the Invigilation Room, otherwise known as the Cooler, is next to locker 1. It has extra surveillance and you have to request staff to let you in or out. It is intended for particularly valuable, delicate documents or documents with distressing content. It is also used for items that could be easily mixed up, e.g. the boxes of Merchant Seaman pouches. The POW cards are likely sent there as they are produced one card at a time, as some items in the box are still closed, and could get lost if handled in the usual manner. Although each card is placed in a plastic box so perhaps there's another reason for it. Photography is allowed but lighting is very harsh in there. Lee
My father's POW card was recently opened by FOI request and a copy taken for me by Drew (apologies and thank-you as I noted from the images a reference to the "invigilating room" and guessed this was probably not as straightforward as usual). Do not be put off by catalogue descriptions that state 0 photographs and 0 fingerprints. Clearly not always accurate as mine had both - Dad was a private. Also I discovered more about work camps than I had previously known, including three not previously found on any list I have seen for his Stalag - VIIB/344. In addition work camp location as well as number is listed and in a couple of instances the company using the labour. So all in all very useful.
Hi, I don't want to make a wrong assumption about these cards. Can anyone confirm that they only apply to POW who ended up in GERMAN hands, in a German Camp? For example if a POW was captured in North Africa by the German Army, but handed over to the Italians, spent time in Italian Camps, then transported to Germany after the Armistice they would have a card, but if that POW was repatriated or escaped from the Italian Camp they would not have a card? Thanks Geoff
Are they just cataloguing and not digitising? I was searching Discovery earlier in the week and found lots of the POW's I was looking for got hits but nothing you could actually see - it would seem a bit of a missed opportunity to go through cataloguing them but not making them available online when they are (I believe) fairly small files
Looking at a few examples at random the policy seems to be that a blanket closure for all cards was imposed until the 1st January of the year following the person’s 100th birthday, and you will see different dialogue panels accordingly. If the card is available to view it seems you will have to wait until TNA reopen. If access is still closed then a FOI request may be able to lift that closure. The privacy of the person concerned and their relatives are primary considerations. TNA are currently looking for remote volunteers to transcribe some earlier records: https://twitter.com/UkNatArchives/status/1267750337999523841.
Project WO 416: Private enterprise - The National Archives blog n.b. Links to the previous 'Project WO 416' blogs in last sentence.